Two Ways That a Laser Level Could Help You Make Your New Food Processing Facility Safer

If you want your new food processing facility to be as safe as any industrial workplace can be, you may need a laser level. Here are two of the ways that it could help you to achieve your desired end.  

You can use it to check how even your premises' floors are before putting equipment on them

Before your facility's food processing equipment is delivered and set up, you should get a laser level and use it to check how even the building's floors are. Floors in a property can be uneven if the floor systems were installed improperly or if some shifting of the building's foundation has occurred. If you use a laser level on your floor, the beam from it should indicate whether or not that floor is uneven. If this tool shows that the floor is sloping or sagging in some spots, you must address this unevenness before setting up any equipment on it.

The reason for this is as follows; putting certain food processing equipment on an unlevel floor could be dangerous. For example, if there is a huge vat of boiling soup or pasta on an unlevel floor in your premises, some of the hot bubbling liquid could tip out of this vat, splash onto your employees and burn their skin. Similarly, if a worktop that your employees use to prepare raw meat is on an unlevel surface, the meat juices will be more likely to spill onto the surrounding floor, and then cause sanitation issues or make people slip and fall. By using a laser level to check that your facility's floors are level before you put any equipment on them (and then fixing any unevenness you find), you can prevent these mishaps.

You can use it to make sure that your painted floor markings are completely straight

Food processing facilities often feature painted lines on their floors. These markings help to guide those on forklifts, who have to transport big bags of ingredients (like flour, rice, etc.) around the inside of the building, and can also act as visual indicators of where the pedestrian paths (which are normally on either side of these interior roads) are located.

Those who need these lines in their facilities should use laser levels to ensure that the lines are perfectly parallel. The reason for this is as follows; if they're not parallel, then the pedestrian paths on either side of them might become too narrow for people to walk along, in which case the employees may have to walk in the section where only the forklift drivers are supposed to travel. At best, their presence in this area might result in the forklift driver swerving, crashing, and the bags of ingredients they were carrying tearing open and spilling everywhere. At worst, it might lead to the driver accidentally knocking an employee over with their forklift. However, if you use a laser level when having these lines painted in your own facility, calamities like this will be unlikely to happen.
